• +86 18258800889
  • jacky@hnbocon.com
  • 22nd Street,Hangzhou,China
29 years ethylene oxide sterilizer manufacturer

Touch operation of the eo sterilizer

2021-01-29 view: 1796

Touch operation of the eo sterilizer

1. Adjust voice volume proper, to operate according to the voice prompt. 
2. If it’s the first time to use the control system, or need to change the parameter, please click “User Parameters” button.
According to sterilizing process requirement to set all parameters, click “Expert Parameter”. 
According to requirement or experience to set limit parameters, click “ back” button, then go back to the main control interface. 
3.first press the "program start" button on the interface, then press the "heating" button. If the temperature of the water tank and the temperature inside the Cabinet do not reach the set value, the water tank starts heating, the circulating pump starts to work, and the program enters into the heating process. At this time, the sterilization program starts.
4. when the temperature of the water tank reaches the set value, the program will automatically jump to the "heat preservation" process, and the circulating pump will stop turning.
5. when the temperature of the cabinet reaches the set value, the program will automatically jump to the "heat preservation" process, and the circulating pump will stop turning.
6. when the heat insulation reaches the set value, the program enters the vacuum process, the vacuum valve opens and the vacuum pump starts.
7. when the pressure in the cabinet reaches the set value, the vacuum valve closes and the vacuum pump stops running automatically, the program will automatically enter the "pressure holding" process.
8. when the holding time reaches the set point, please manually open the humidifying valve (preferably pulse opening and closing), start humidifying, and when the humidity reaches the set point, close the humidifying valve.
9. open the bottle valve, and put the "feeding medicine" button on the motor interface. If the temperature of the dispensing port is greater than the set temperature, open the dosing valve, and ethylene oxide is vaporized through the vaporizer and then enter into the sterilization cabinet.
10. when the pressure in the cabinet reaches the stopping pressure, please close the bottle valve in time and close the dispensing valve, and the procedure will be automatically carried out to the "sterilization" process.
11. when the sterilization time reaches the set value, automatically enter into the replacement process, the vacuum valve is opened automatically, automatic operation of the vacuum pump, the pressure inside until the pressure reached the set value, automatically close the vacuum valve, vacuum pump, achieve the replacement waiting time after the intake valve opens automatically to pressure in the cabinet inlet pressure set value, start the vacuum process, so the cycle to achieve replacement times willing; the end of the sterilization process.
12. click on the "data output" button on the interface. The data output interface will appear and the sterilization record is required.
(the system has a maximum sterilization record for 30 days)

The working conditions

1. environmental temperature:5~40℃
2. relative humidity:≤80%
3. atmospheric pressure:86kPa~106kPa
4. suitable power:AC   380V±10% Three phase five wire system) 50Hz±1Hz

Sterilizer storage environment requirement

1. The sterilizer should be stored in the room and protect it from the rain, the sun and no acid and other corrosive gases inside, the room should be well ventilated, relative humidity not more than 93%, the temperature between -40℃~+55℃
2. The sterilizer life is normally 2500 sterilizing cycles. After the sterilizer is scrap, it should be   take away by the company with certification. 
3. produce date : please check the label.


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